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  Lipscomb University Publications

The Babbler

    "’What would this babbler say?’ Quoting from Acts 17:18, the students at David Lipscomb College gave their new publication a scriptural name. Thus on Oct. 5, 1923, under the editorship of J. C. Greene, the first issue of The Babbler came from the press. It was, and remained for several years, a large, four-page paper published twice monthly. Subscriptions for 26 issues cost $1. The first-year subscription list numbered 1, 000.
   The paper covered every public event on campus. The front page usually included the religious activities on campus, especially the sermons preached in chapel. Special events, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, received extra coverage. Many times the first page contained feature articles about faculty or some important graduate. Inside, student articles and poems often graced the second page. The third page carried news of the literary societies and sports. Both third and fourth pages had advertisements from Nashville businesses. All in all, it was a very "newsy" paper.”

                                                       Hooper, Robert E., and, David G. England. Centennial Celebration. 1991.

   Today, The Babbler is published weekly and is usually longer than four pages. The paper still covers every public event on campus. Sometimes it publishes editorials from other newspapers. First pages usually include the events that take place on campus, middle pages contain editorials or other articles, and the last pages are usually the sports' section. Special issues of The Babbler are published for special events like SGA elections, or Bison Bash.
    The link below goes to the index page. There you can find specific names, events, places etc. and the articles in which they appear.


Babbler Indexed Articles 2000-2001

Babbler Indexed Articles 2001-2002

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